At Ocean Midwives, I emphasize the value of thorough, loving postpartum support for mother and baby as a bonded pair. My postnatal midwifery care is unique as I incorporate homeopathic, herbal, and nutritional recommendations, provide options with the use of informed consent, offer home visits, and extend my care through the first year postpartum.
In the first two weeks postpartum, I do three home visits, and then a six-week appointment back at the office. At every visit, I assess for normal physical health and recovery, as well as mental and emotional well-being. I support the breastfeeding relationship and monitor for postpartum depression or anxiety. During this time I am still on-call for clients for questions, concerns, and extra visits as needed. I love to witness and support parents as they learn new skills, navigate new relationships, and fall in love with their new baby.
With your baby in your arms or at your breast and with your consent, I offer the standard newborn procedures, such as a comprehensive newborn exam, vitamin K injection, antibiotic eye ointment, and state-mandated metabolic newborn screening. Also standard is the hepatitis B vaccine or the hearing screen, for which I refer you to your pediatrician. As is the midwifery standard, I provide all our clients with extensive information and resources on these procedures to make informed choices for your baby.
In the first year of your child’s life, there are major transitions for babies, mothers, fathers, and the whole family unit. I continue to provide visits for mom and baby at three, six, nine, and twelve months postpartum, staying connected as a resource and community for the women we have served. Also, there is the added benefit of watching the babies grow!